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A bot to post images to a *key server. Includes an easy way to program a new source for images.

Source can be found at Julimiro/imagebot, documentation can be found here(backup also available).


*Only required if using danbooru image source,

1. Clone the repo git clone 2. Install modules pip install dotenv requests

4. Create an account for the bot on your *key server.*

5. Generate an api key by navigating to /settings/api of the server and clicking generate access token. Below is a list of permissions the bot needs. After setting the permissions, give the token a name and press done. Make sure to keep note of the token that flashes on screen. - Access your Drive files and folders - Compose or delete notes

6. Open the .env file - Change baseurl to your *key instances url including /api. - Change the searchquery to what you want, make sure to keep rating:general order:random. * rating:general keeps it safe for work and order:random ensures a post isnt duplicated(probably) . - Change danbooru_user to the bots danbooru username.* - Change danbooru_apikey to an api key generated by going to your danbooru user page, scrolling own to "API Key" and clicking view. * -Change api_key to an your token generated earlier in step 5.. - secret should not be modified yet. - Save the file.

7. Run 8. Enter the output of into the secret option in .env. 9. Now when is ran, an image should be posted.

Making an image source

The file must have a main function which doesnt take arguments but returns string: post_url, string: image_url, string: artists